Sunday, August 10, 2008


Atle, don`t you think we forgot about you!

It cannot be left unsaid, that this glorious Norwegian held a Anaconda, despite his life-long trauma with snakes! Way to go there, Atle!
Seriously, it was a pleasure meeting you, take care in the jungle.. and hey we´ll let you if we get news from the Japanese adventurer on the amazon!!
(note: we met a Japanese who wanted to go down the amazon on a 2x2m2 raft, expected duration 2 months.. craaaazyyy!!)

All the best, your Tarzans

1 comment:

Atle said...

Hola Tarzans !!

Great blog - indeed !! Congrats. And muchas gracias for compliments - likewise it was a pleasure meeting you guys.

You're still 'on the road' - amazing!! There's nothing like travelling. Live life to the max.I hereby ask for permission to show your blog to my colleagues. I reckon it's ok. Take care you guys, and my fingers are still crossed for that Japanese. So long ! Yours Atle.